Semester in the West

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Meet our Guests: Eric Crawford

Eric Crawford

Snake River Campaign Director, Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited

Lewiston, ID

September 9, 2024

We met Eric Crawford at a rest stop off Highway 12, near Lewiston, Idaho, nestled up against the Clearwater River. From his first words, Eric’s enthusiasm was palpable. He greeted us with handshakes and smiles before he began to tell us about his life’s mission. 

As the Snake River Campaign Director for Trout Unlimited, Eric’s objective is clear: removal of the four Lower Snake River dams. Eric stands firmly on one side of what is a fiercely debated issue. To him, the salmon are of the utmost importance. He spoke fervently about the issues caused by the dams and the limited time we have to fix these problems as they become further exacerbated by climate change.

Citing the importance of salmon to the native tribes of the area, salmon’s ecological importance as a keystone species in their ecosystem, and our ability to compensate for the negative effects of dam removal, Eric crafted a compelling argument as to the urgency and importance of these dams’ removal.

Eric didn’t just come to persuade us, either. He willingly took on our questions and concerns, speaking candidly about the difficulty of his job, and the complicated, multi-faceted range of issues that come with negotiating dam politics. When asked about whether he’s considered the possibility of failing his mission, he said it’s just something you can’t think about. He has to believe that the dams will be breached. 

by Theo Rollman