Semester in the West

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Meet our Guests: Kristen Kirkby

Kristen Kirkby

Cascade Fisheries

Winthrop, WA

August 29, 2024

We were lucky enough to meet 2004 Westie Kristen Kirby on the banks of the glittering Methow River. Post Whitman, Kristen has been working as a Fisheries Biologist, currently with Cascade Fisheries. In talking about her work, she described the number one priority as “restoring natural processes for habitat.” She taught us about the ways humans have interfered with the habitats and natural life cycles of fish, specifically salmon- habitat disturbance, hydropower, hatcheries, and harvesting of fish. With Cascade Fisheries, Kristen works to reverse these impacts, with projects such as constructing log jams to provide spawning ground for salmon, steelhead and other species. 

As we sit with her, we are surrounded by a restoration project, working to re-engage the floodplains of the river to provide more opportunities for fish to reproduce and thrive. 

The group dons wetsuits and snorkels, and we move our classroom into a large eddy of the river. Joyful faces pop out of the water to describe the fish they’ve seen, and Kristen helps us identify them- Mountain Whitefish, various trout, and even a couple Chinook Salmon.

By allowing us to experience a glimpse of the extraordinary underwater world, Kristen lets us see for ourselves why we should care about restoring the vitality of these species and the incredible habitats they live in.

by Sofia DeFanti