Meet Our Guests: Janet Millard

Janet Millard

Wildlife Biologist, Okanogan National Forest

Leavenworth, WA



Chelan Ridge observation point has a panoramic view overlooking the Methow Valley, Black Canyon and Lake Chelan. The rolling green forests meld into brown hills marked by black toothpicks, evidence of past megafires. The cold wind gusts up from the valley below, reminding us of our 4,000 foot elevation gain to visit the Chelan Ridge Hawk Watch site.


Spread out among the rocky outcrop at the observation point, Jessica, Skyler and Janet share their wealth of knowledge with us. The exclamation “BIRD!” is a common and acceptable interruption of the conversation. Eager eyes immediately scan the sky as fingers point and everyone shouts out their guesses of the flying raptor’s identification. Clearly in her element, Janet Millard stands on the edge of the rocks wearing her tattered “bird nerd” hat with binoculars around her neck.


Janet, a USFS employee worked for many years studying the spotted owl and now works in collaboration with Hawk Watch International. All three field biologists share how important the collaboration between these two organizations is in order to make this project possible. Skyler, Jessica and Janet all share a similar sentiment: working in the field is challenging. It often feels like the mountain of work does not make a big enough impact. Our society is ridden with people who like comfort and ease; they don’t want to change their habits. Janet emphasizes the importance of continuing the work because it can make a difference. Full of emotion, she reminds us that we are the next generation, and we have the power to have a large impact.


By Abigael Carron
