Meet Our Guests: Jeff Adams

Jeff Adams

Founder, Principal, TerraSophia LLC

Moab, UT



Our suburban caravan kicks up clouds of dust as we roll into the red gravel parking lot. Fresh faced Westies pile out, backpacks slung over shoulders and notebooks in hand. The mighty Moab sun beats down as Jeff Adams greets us.

Jeff is the owner of TerraSophia, a landscape contracting firm working to improve water restoration in the area. He refers to himself as an alternative fellow, one whose mission is improving water management. Jeff is dedicated to letting the land and its systems guide his work. This inspires we eager students.

Despite the sweat and swelter, Jeff is garbed in thick camel-colored work pants and chunky hiking boots. He wears a light-shaded sun shirt, the hood pulled over his baseball cap that protrudes over his sporty glasses that disguise his eyes. His well-weathered hands are exposed and assist with much of his verbal commentary.  

Nestled in the red rock cradle, Jeff explains to us where we are. We stand in the remains of a flood path. One month ago a huge, unexpected flood rushed through the canyon. A product of intense rainfall, this flood wiped out much of the region, and thankfully did not take any lives. Though the surrounding vegetation and debris look frazzled, Jeff teaches us about the benefits the flood brought; healthy sediment deposition and a widening of the channel, making it possible for the water to reunite once again with its original flood plain.

Jeff is passionate about restoring the Moab watershed and educating others about the importance of healthy water management. In addressing us, Jeff states, “Knowledge is power.” Hailing from the lush Cape Cod area of Massachusetts, Jeff forged westward as water management has become a serious issue, and he has found a calling to aid in the crisis. He states, “I believe that with education and a beautifully functional solution, we can change the culture around water.” Our group is inspired and invigorated by his work.

By Katie Spegar
