Meet Our Guests: Gabe and Zoe Spence

Gabe and Zoe Spence

Gabe: Wolf biologist, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Zoe: Northwest Representative, Defenders of Wildlife

White Salmon, WA



We park the cars in the middle of a windy dirt road and get out, ready to hike. Gabe and Zoe tell us to be careful, pay attention to our footsteps, and not to walk in front of them. They have already begun tracking. About 10 feet in front of the cars, Gabe leans down and starts pointing out footprints; there was a wolf here. He explains their gate and how to distinguish tracks. What we struggle to see right in front of us, he can see from the driver’s seat of the truck. 

As our hike continues, we pause periodically to see more examples of wolf traces on the land. Stopping for lunch amidst dirt beds recently dug by pups, Zoe shares a story about the relationship between wolves and indigenous groups. After the story, she tells us about her work with Defenders of Wildlife. She works to revive, restore, and recover large wildlife carnivorous species, namely Grizzly Bears and Wolves. 

Gabe and Zoe have dedicated their lives to studying wolves. Today we saw a peek into the field work Gabe does year round and the connections Zoe makes to advocate for wolves. Our time with them was spent not only picking up on valuable lessons about this misunderstood species, but also learning about navigating the tense communication between wolf advocates and their opponents. 

By Gwen Empie
