Meet our Guests: Sam Allen

Sam Allen

Recent Whitman Graduate, Unemployed

Chiloquin, OR

October 1, 2024

Sam Allen drove from Lake Oswego down to our campsite on the Williamson River outside of Klamath Falls, Oregon.  A Whitman graduate of the 2024 class and a 2022 Westie, Sam Allen joined us to share his knowledge of the history of the Klamath River dams and their removal; the topic of his thesis. A familiar face, when he stepped out of his white Toyota, clad in ripped khakis and hiking boots, many members of the group excitedly rushed to greet him. Armed with the context and knowledge of the region provided by Sam Allen’s thesis, us Westies entered the Klamath primed and ready to go. Sam joined us on our excursions throughout the week as our personal on-site fact checker and we couldn't be more thankful for his presence.

by Irving Baldwin
