Meet our Guests: Steve Wolff and Mo Rock

Steve Wolff and Mo Rock

Southwestern Water Conservation District General Manager and Programs Coordinator

Durango, Colorado

October 22, 2024

We met with Steve and Mo alongside the Animas River under a riparian area of quaking aspens, their fall leaves gleaming in the afternoon sun. These two are the entirety of Southwestern Water Conservation District. Together, they fight for water conservation on Colorado's western side of the Continental Divide. 

Eighty percent of Colorado’s population lives on the Eastern side of the continental divide, and the same proportion of the state's water is on the West. 26 diversion projects exist from west to east. Together, Steve and Mo advise litigation and monitor diversion projects so that as much water as possible stays on the western side of the state for the rural communities with less of a voice than the larger eastern metropolitan areas. 

An essential part of a healthy summer river flow is the snowpack reservoir in the mountains. Climate change is reducing the amount of snowpack created, and making spring melt occur earlier in the year. One of the strategies Southwestern Water Conservation District works on is weather modification through cloud seeding. Particulates are dispersed in the clouds to encourage more precipitation recovery from winter storms over the mountains and increasing the snowpack reservoir. 

Working in court cases and community outreach, the duo has many roles that keep them busy. This was a perfect stop to wrap up our visit to Durango, CO.

by Annika Schwartz
